I know Dakota; but he invaded Poland and you know the rest.
The point I was trying to make was Hitler invaded and so others were justified in defending.
Kuwait was allowed to be protected because Saddan invaded.
The current UN resolutions DO NOT allow Saddam to be invadad NOW just because we have decided to suddenly take offense at his regime.It is illegal to invade a regime that is disaproved of. No one cared about the plight of the Iraqi people last year or the year before etc.I think the question should be ;why now?
Maybe because the could'nt find Bin laden?
Did they really think we did'nt notice the switch from one to the other on trumped up charges of Saddam hiding Bin laden in North Iraq? Saddam has no hold over Northern Iraq; if Bin laden is there it is nothing to do with Saddam.I do not approve of warmongering from any of them .
The British government todaystooped to new lows; trying to get us to rally around 'our troops' because war is inevitable was emotional blackmail- and a disgusting tactic- I, for one, will be back marching again tomorrow with a few million others.
Many wonder why they did'nt hunt him down last time - it all seems like a hidden adgendas to me and i'm wary because of their dishonesty and blatent lack of concern for the lives that will be lost.
You're right- we all had a part in arming him- and more fool us for thinking we can control such foolish dealings with evil dictators.
I'm quite depressed tonight, can't sleep; anyone else feel sense of sadness and bewilderment that it has come to this?